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  • Carga Externa de XML con AS3 (Video Tutorial)

    En este video tutorial muestro como cargar un XML externo con ActionScript 3. Algo bastante simple, pero necesario para hacer cosas más complejas. Pido perdón como siempre por el audio, mis colgadas hablando (esta como siempre sin editar) y la informalidad del video. Para los que les interese el tema pueden profundizar mucho buscando informacion…

  • Nuevo Video Tutorial – SWFAddress 2 con AS3

    En este nuevo video explicamos como usar la libreria de Flash y AJAX SWFAddress, que nos permite tener una navegación de nuestro proyecto usando los botones de siguiente y anterior del navegador y al mismo tiempo cambiando la URL según la sección o estado del flash en el que estemos. Es muy útil para proyectos…

  • Menú dinámico en XML y ActionScrip 3

    Con este nuevo video tutorial vamos a aprender a crear un menú dinámico desde un xml con ActionScript 3. De esta forma podemos cambiar el contenido del menú editando el .xml y sin la necesidad de compilar nuevamente nuestro .fla. Agregando, quitando o modificando la cantidad de botones. Ver Tutorial (Fuente.

  • Building Frogger with Flixel: Movement, Collision and Deployment

    Welcome to the second of two tutorials detailing how to build Frogger for the Web and AIR on Android. In the previous part I talked about how to set up Flixel, change states and we built our first level for Frogger. Unfortunately there isn’t much we can do with our game without a player. This…

  • Build a XML Driven Horizontal Images Slider

    In this Actionscript 3 tutorial, learn step by step how to build a XML driven Horizontal World Cup Images Slider that the user controls with buttons or keyboard. View Tutorial (Source: )

  • Create a Smooth Rolling Scroller with AS3

    In this tutorial you will learn how to make a scrolling list activated by mouse up and down movements, with different speeds based on the position of the cursor. I’ll also cover preparing list data with PHP, loading XML data and a brief explanation of the algorithm I came up with. Enjoy! View Tutorial (Source:…

  • Validating Various Input Data in Flash

    Today, almost everything on the web is based on user input. A contact form, a user registration form, a search box and so on. As a developer you can’t just rely on the user to write everything as it’s supposed to be. To be sure you always get the correct data from your users you…

  • Quick Tip: Create a Basic Google Search App in Flash

    In this Quick Tip, I will show you how to create a basic search application featuring the Google search engine.View Tutorial (Source:

  • Create a Mac Dock Style Menu with AS3

    Twice a month, we revisit some of our readers’ favorite posts from throughout the history of Activetuts+. This tutorial was first published in March, 2010. In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create a menu like Apple’s Dock using AS3 classes. We will create a single .as file that will perform all the magic,…

  • AS3 101: OOP Inheritance, Setters & Getters – Basic

    When last we talked, we had a Button class that could be used to quickly create a button of a certain style. However, I also asked you to ignore certain aspects of the code. We’re going to start this session off with a little resolution: it’s time to explain what extends does. View tutorial (Source…