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  • Using ‘Google Maps’ New Features for Flash

    After such a positive response to my first tutorial Implement a Map Using the Google Map API for Flash I decided to write a second. Since that first tut the Google Map API has been updated, allowing developers to (amongst other things) add 3D viewing to maps. This is a great feature and during this…

  • Making a Beautiful HTML5 Portfolio

    In today’s tutorial we will be making a beautiful HTML5 portfolio powered by jQuery and the Quicksand plugin. You can use it to showcase your latest work and it is fully customizable, so potentially you could expand it to do much more. View tutorial Source (

  • Web browser in Air with flex

    The HTML component displays full HTML content within your AIR applications. In this tutorial we are going to build our own web browser with an adress bar and forward and back history controls. View tutorial

  • Build a Drag-and-Drop XML Image Viewer

    In this Flex tutorial, we are going to create a drag & drop xml driven image viewer that when the user drags a thumbnail and drops it inside a box it will display the image’s bigger version. 1. Create a new flex project named GalleryDragDrop, set the name of the main MXML application file to…

  • Create a Dynamic Slideshow with ActionScript 3.0 and XML

    In this screencast I’ll show you how to create a dynamic slideshow using ActionScript 3.0 and how to grab the images from an xml file. We’ll keep the FLA empty except for the path to our Document Class and also create a custom class that will act as the engine for the slideshow. This is…

  • Quick Tip: How to Detect Mouse Direction Using ActionScript

    In this Quick Tip you will learn how to get the mouse’s current direction in your Flash application using AS3. You could use this to create an interesting control method for a game, using a mouse like a joystick, for example. For now we will just display the direction on screen View Tutorial source (

  • Build a Promotional Ticker For Your Site With AS3 and the Flash IDE

    We’re going to be creating a simple promo ticker for a website. This is great if you are running low on space on the home page, or if you just want the latest news or products to catch the viewers eye. Let’s get going! View Tutorial source (

  • Create a Drag and Drop Puzzle in ActionScript 3.0

    Drag-and-drop is the action of clicking on a virtual object and dragging it to a different location or onto another virtual object. In general, it can be used to invoke many kinds of actions, or create various types of associations between two objects. In this tutorial we will create a Drag and Drop Matching game…