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  • Drawing with JavaScript in HTML5 vs ActionScript 3 in Flash

    HTML5 introduces an element called a “canvas” on which we can use JavaScript to draw. This offers a quick and easy approach to drawing dynamic content. This article will compare this relatively new (and not yet cross-browser compatible) option for drawing to Adobe Flash’s ActionScript 3. JavaScript and ActionScript have common roots as they are…

  • HTML5 Avoider Game Tutorial: Multiple Moving Enemies

    Michael James Williams on Oct 29th 2011 This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series HTML5 Avoider Game Tutorial In the first part of this series, you learned the basics of using JavaScript and the canvas element to make a very simple HTML5 avoider game. But it’s too simple – the single enemy…

  • JavaScript Animation Basics

    Learn how to do simple DOM animation using the new requestAnimationFrame API. View Tutorial

  • Create a QR Code Generator in Flash Using AS3

    QR codes are everywhere these days: magazine advertisements, billboards, even TV commercials. Chances are you have a phone in your pocket that can read a QR code and decode the URL or message contained within. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a SWF that can reverse the process: create a QR code from…