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  • The Definitive Guide to Building Apps For Children

    I remember Mark Zuckerberg once saying “I definitely wouldn’t have gotten into programming if I hadn’t played games as a kid.” This correlation is not a surprise although it did spark a revelation, when I was researching the most popular children’s apps for this blog post. The same apps kept appearing again and again. At…

  • In Search of the Elite Few – Finding and Hiring the Best Software Developers in the Industry

    The Challenge Hiring software development talent – real talent – is a multi-faceted skill that lies at the crossroads of social networking, technical acumen, process management, and intuition. Anyone who has ever had hiring responsibility understands all-too-well the extent and depth of the hiring challenge. Hiring talent is a multi-faceted skill that lies at the…

  • The Vital Guide to Web Design Interviewing

    The Challenge Hiring web designers can be difficult. There are many disciplines under the common term ‘designer,’ and experts in one field may be novices in another, while others are a “Jack of all trades, master of none.” To make things worse, people commonly relate “design” with subjective decisions, personal preference and individual style. All…