The Ultimate React.js Guide
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Complete SQL guide topic wise functions
In this guide you can find some elements for guide in this world of sql like principal functions
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Day 7: Final Touches and Create tests for some components
For testing the Vue component, we can utilize the Vue Test Utils and Jest. Vue Test Utils allows for mounting Vue components in isolation and simulating user interactions, while Jest can be used for assertions to ensure everything is working as expected. Firstly, set up your Vue project to use Jest (assuming you’re using Vue
NVM for Windows – How to Download and Install Node Version Manager in Windows 10
If dont know how you can have different versions of node in you windows please take a look this tutorial from https://www.freecodecamp.org/ >> view tutorial
Day 6: Completing the CRUD Functionality
1. Preparing Vue.js app for Production: In your Vue.js project directory: This will create a dist folder with the production-ready build. 2. Deploying Node.js apps: Heroku: web: node yourServerFile.js Vercel: Vercel mainly suits frontend apps or serverless functions. For a Node.js backend like yours, Heroku, DigitalOcean, or AWS EC2 might be more suitable. Note: Deployment
Day 5: Integrating Frontend with Backend
Create axiosConfig.js Modify api-be.js Create vue file ItemsCallFromAxios.vue Modify router with previous file Add this line on App.vue if you have checkout exercise complete https://github.com/LeoReyesDev/vue-tutorial/tree/day05-sample
Day 4: Introduction to Backend with Node.js
Morning: 1. What is Node.js? Node.js is a runtime environment that lets you execute JavaScript on the server-side. It is built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine and provides an asynchronous, event-driven architecture. 2. Event Loop and Non-blocking I/O The event loop is the heart of Node.js’s non-blocking I/O. It allows Node.js to perform non-blocking operations
Top 10 questions CSS3
Here are ten commonly asked questions about CSS3: 2. What are the differences between CSS and CSS3? 3. How do you create rounded corners in CSS3? 4. What are CSS3 transitions and how are they different from animations? 5. What is the CSS3 box-shadow property? 6. How can you apply multiple background images in CSS3?
Day 3: Fast Track VUE3.js State Management with Vuex:
1. Set Up: In your terminal, within your Vue 3 project: 2. Create a Vuex Store: Create a directory named store in your src directory, and within the store directory, create a file named index.js. src/store/index.js: 3. Set Up Vuex in main.js: src/main.js: 4. Shopping Cart Component: src/components/ShoppingCart.vue: 5. Using the Store: For this sample,