Day 1: Introduction to Vue.js and Basic Setup
- Morning:
- Introduction to Vue.js
- What is Vue.js?
- Core Concepts: Components, Directives, and Reactivity
- Setting up the Development Environment
- Installing Node.js
- Vue CLI Installation
- Creating a New Vue Project
- Afternoon:
- Vue Component Basics
- Understanding the Vue Instance
- Data, Methods, and Computed Properties
- Data Binding and Directives
Day 2: Diving Deeper into Vue.js
- Morning:
- Advanced Component Features
- Props
- Custom Events
- Slots
- Vue Router
- Setting Up Vue Router
- Navigating Between Pages
- Route Parameters
- Afternoon:
- State Management with Vuex
- State, Mutations, Actions, and Getters
- Introduction to Vue Lifecycle Hooks
Day 3: Styling and Transition
- Morning:
- Vue Styling
- Scoped CSS
- CSS Modules
- Transitions and Animations
- Basic Transitions
- List Transitions
- Afternoon:
- Working on a small project (e.g. a Todo List) to consolidate learning so far.
- Basic Form Validation in Vue.
Day 4: Introduction to Backend with Node.js
- Morning:
- What is Node.js?
- Event Loop and Non-blocking I/O
- Setting up a Node.js Project
- Introduction to Express.js
- Afternoon:
- Building RESTful APIs with Express.js
- Connecting to a Database (e.g. MongoDB) using Mongoose.
Day 5: Integrating Frontend with Backend
- Morning:
- Making HTTP requests from Vue using Axios.
- Fetching data from the Node.js API and displaying in Vue components.
- Afternoon:
- Implementing Create, Read operations for the CRUD app.
- Error Handling and Feedback (Loading indicators, Toast messages).
Day 6: Completing the CRUD Functionality
- Morning:
- Implementing Update, Delete operations for the CRUD app.
- Basic Authentication (Bonus if time allows)
- Afternoon:
- Finalizing CRUD operations.
- Deployment Basics:
- Preparing Vue.js app for Production
- Deploying Node.js apps (e.g. Heroku, Vercel)
Day 7: Final Touches and Project Completion
- Morning:
- Testing the CRUD operations thoroughly.
- Writing simple unit tests (Bonus if time allows).
- Afternoon:
- Final adjustments based on testing feedback.
- Final Deployment and Presentation.
Remember, this is an intensive program, and the key to succeeding is consistent practice and application. Be sure to supplement your learning with reading Vue.js and Node.js documentation, watching tutorials, and practicing by building small projects along the way.