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  • React Hooks

    React Hooks

    React hooks are a powerful feature introduced in React 16.8, enabling developers to use state and other React features without writing a class. Here’s a list of some of the built-in React hooks with simple examples for each: 2. useEffect 3. useContext 4. useReducer 5. useCallback 6. useMemo 7. useRef 8. useLayoutEffect 9. useImperativeHandle 10.…

  • Day 2: Diving Deeper into Vue.js

    Day 2: Diving Deeper into Vue.js

    Components and Props: Components are one of the most powerful features of Vue. They help you extend basic HTML elements to encapsulate reusable code. 1. Create a new component: src/components/UserCard.vue: When prompted, select Vue 3. Navigate into your project: 2. Install Vue Router: 3. Set up Vue Router: src/router/index.js: 4. Create views: src/views/Home.vue: src/views/Profile.vue: 5.…

  • Top 10 Questions JS

    Top 10 Questions JS

    Like with the React and JS questions, these answers are concise overviews. The depth of explanations and follow-ups can vary based on context and the expertise of the individual asking.

  • Top 10 ReactJS Questions

    Top 10 ReactJS Questions

    Discover the top essential questions for a ReactJS interview, curated to help hiring managers evaluate expertise and candidates to prepare thoroughly for their next role. Some samples about general questions about reactjs Remember, the depth and complexity of the answers can vary based on who is asking and in what context. The provided answers are…

  • How create custom hook

    How create custom hook

    In the next post you can check simple sample, of can create your own custom hook, please check this below, and if you want check working click here

  • Top 10 React galleries for your projects

    Top 10 React galleries for your projects

    ten popular websites and resources where you can find ReactJS-based image galleries, including components and libraries specifically designed for this purpose. These can be used for inspiration or directly integrated into your React projects. Most of these libraries or frameworks come with demos, documentation, and community support to assist developers in implementing and customizing the…

  • Tympanus Codrops nice resources

    Tympanus Codrops nice resources

    Few years a go I found this excellent web site, you can find different resources like image gallery, carousels, menus and some UI amazing things please take a look to this resources