The 7 Best WordPress Page Builder Plugins Compared 2018
Hi everyone today, I found this interesting article about the best plugins for edit and create content in your wordpress web site, take a look this plugin could be of great help you for create layout more complex Read More >
Create your owns themes from scratch for wordpress
Hey guys today, we have some tips and tricks about how can make own themes from the scratch for wordpress take a look, have nice day 🙂 you can view this video Read more>> Other resource from wordpress codex you can find here one complete guide
CĂłmo importar el contenido de tu WordPress a partir de un archivo SQL
Hay muchos plugins que te permiten exportar todo el contenido de tu base de datos WordPress (con todos tus posts, páginas, comentarios, usuarios, …) generando un script SQL (con todos los CREATE TABLE, INSERTs,… necesarios para regenerarla) pero muchos menos los que te permitan restaurar esos datos a partir de ese mismo archivo SQL. Ver
Apache .htaccess Guide & Tutorial >>
How to use .htaccess
‘.htaccess’ is the filename in full, it is not a file extension. For instance, you would not create a file called, ‘file.htaccess’, it is simply called, ‘.htaccess’. This file will take effect when placed in any directory which is then in turn loaded via the Apache Web Server software. The file will take effect over the entire directory it is placed in and all files and subdirectories within the specified directory.You can create a .htaccess file using any good text editor such as TextPad, UltraEdit, Microsoft WordPad and similar (you cannot use Microsoft NotePad).
Here is an example of what you might include in a .htaccess file.
Read More (source htaccess-guide.com )
Create a Multi-Layout Portfolio with WordPress
WordPress, as a content management system, is often used for creating portfolio websites. With the evolution of user interface design and functionalities, a new trend has emerged: displaying portfolio items in different layouts. This tutorial details the process of creating a dedicated portfolio section in WordPress’ backend, and using jQuery and CSS3 to display the
Esto es una buena guia Basica de WordPress aqui les dejamos un link de referencia Ver Guia. Fuente (http://www.scribd.com/)
Temas para WordPress
Aqui les dejo varios links para descargar temas gratis de WORDPRESS TRAZOSWEB,COM wordpress-es.org Temaswordpress.es Plantillas WordPress
Instalando un tema o template en WordPress
Publicar articulos en WordPress
Instalacion de WORDPRESS desde el panel de control de hosting.
Para poder hacer este tutorial nesecitamos asegurarnos que tengas, un dominio junto con un hosting y que este asu vez tenga la accesibilidad de FANTASTICO que es un programita que nos ayuda a construir sitios dinamicos basados en base de datos, si tienes estos tres requisitos te recomiendo hagas este tutorial, facil y muy rapido