
  • Day 7: Final Touches and Create tests for some components

    Day 7: Final Touches and Create tests for some components

    For testing the Vue component, we can utilize the Vue Test Utils and Jest. Vue Test Utils allows for mounting Vue components in isolation and simulating user interactions, while Jest can be used for assertions to ensure everything is working as expected. Firstly, set up your Vue project to use Jest (assuming you’re using Vue…

  • Day 5: Integrating Frontend with Backend

    Day 5: Integrating Frontend with Backend

    Create axiosConfig.js Modify api-be.js Create vue file ItemsCallFromAxios.vue Modify router with previous file Add this line on App.vue if you have checkout exercise complete

  • Learn VUE.JS from zero to hero

    Learn VUE.JS from zero to hero

    Hi Guys! This is the value resource you can find the best course for beginners for learn VUE.js FREEEEE, I recommend this course, and the web site  ( ) inside in this page you can find a lot value resources for your life like developer, take a look and nice ride! GO TO VUE.js…