
  • Who Knew Adobe CC Could Wireframe?

    Wireframing is a major step in designing any user interface whether a website, application or software product. Without distraction in the form of visuals, colours, typography, styles and effects you can be more focused on defining content hierarchy and user experience. Doing low fidelity wireframes and prototypes will help you test and iterate more often…

  • Jumpstart Your PHP Testing with Codeception

    Before moving on to Codeception and PHP, we should cover the basics and start by explaining why we need testing in applications in the first place. Perhaps we could complete a project without wasting time on tests, at least this time? Sure, you don’t need tests for everything; for example, when you want to build…

  • Convert PSD to wordpress

    This is excellent article about, how you can convert simple psd to wordpress. Converting a PSD to WordPress in 4 Steps by Harley Alexander Add Tutorial DetailsProgram: Photoshop, Web browser, Web Server, and a code editorDifficulty: IntermediateEstimated Completion Time: 2hUpdated: November 3, 2011 Download Source FilesView Demo One of the most requested tutorials is a…

  • Create an Amazon Books Widget with jQuery and XML

    It makes sense to forgo database tables and server-side code when you need to store a limited amount of non-sensitive data. Accessing this data can be a snap with jQuery because the library was built to traverse XML documents with ease. With some custom JavaScript and jQuery magic you can create some interesting widgets. A…

  • Create an Apple Inspired Flash Preloader

    Preloaders are a must have in your Flash applications. They tell the user that the program is running but can’t show any contents until they’re sufficiently loaded. In this tutorial I’ll help you create an Apple inspired preloader MovieClip and teach you how to display some loading information. All this using Flash and ActionScript 3.0.…

  • Build a Drag-and-Drop XML Image Viewer

    In this Flex tutorial, we are going to create a drag & drop xml driven image viewer that when the user drags a thumbnail and drops it inside a box it will display the image’s bigger version. 1. Create a new flex project named GalleryDragDrop, set the name of the main MXML application file to…

  • Editing a WordPress blog with Dreamweaver CS5

    One of the most dramatic improvements to Dreamweaver CS5 is the ability edit WordPress themes, but before you can get WordPress (or Joomla! or Drupal) to work, you’ll need to set up your computer as a Web server. It’s a lot of technical steps, but once you get all this set up, you’ll be able…

  • Curso de Programación Orientada a Objetos

    Hace tiempo había prometido a mis alumnos de ActionScript que les daría algunos apuntes acerca de la Programación Orientada a Objetos y cómo aplicarla en AS2. Pues bien, el momento de cumplir esa promesa ha llegado; para ello voy a darme a la tarea de estructurar una serie de posts al respecto, tratando de comprender…

  • How to make a custom AS3 Preloader

    Many designers seem to think that Actionscript 3 made things more difficult. To some extent that is true, but there’s a bunch of things that are still easy. Preloaders are a good example and in this tutorial, you will learn how to make a custom looking preloader using Flash and AS3. Best of all –…